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For extreme environmental data collection and visualization

Atmospheric Analytical Services trains and manages a professional team of remote pilots and runs multiple sophisticated projects simultaneously. We are currently engaged with two new and exciting projects in Iceland and Costa Rica.

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Our service offers complete and total simplification of environmental monitoring tasks. We provide complimentary services for corporations seeking to reduce their environmental impact, universities, scientific institutions and volcanic observatories supporting their efforts for complex research and investigative projects. We have completed several sophisticated investigations using drones for hazard mitigation and public safety applications around active eruptions in Iceland and degassing volcanoes in Costa Rica. If you feel our systems and remote pilots can complement your research or facilitate your company's environmental impact analysis, please let us know.


Remote Pilot Course

This comprehensive program is designed to equip aspiring remote pilots with the knowledge and skills needed to safely and confidently operate unmanned aircraft systems. Led by experienced instructors, our course covers essential topics such as FAA regulations, flight planning and advanced drone operations.

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Aerial perspective of the Vatnajökull Glacier, the largest ice cap in Europe covering about 8,100 square kilometers of Icelandic territory, consisting of around 3,300 cubic kilometers of mass. 

Atmospheric Analytical Services

Atmospheric Analytical Services offers a complete and customizable drone service designed to meet specific environmental data collection and visualization needs. We provide reliable real-time extreme environmental data collection services known for accuracy and precision. Our focus is monitoring and modelling for climate change mitigation.

Reports, Permits and Certifications 

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Tailored Solutions for Your Needs

We understand that every client and project is unique, we treat every customer as if they were our only customer. We are dedicated to providing tailored solutions that perfectly align with your specific requirements. Our team of remote pilots, project managers, scientific advisors will work closely with you to understand your goals, challenges, and desired outcomes.

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Turrialba Volcano Crater Parameters

Collaborating Universities and Research Institutions

We are a professional team of FAA certified licensed and insured remote pilots, project managers, environmental scientists and sustainability consultants. We are prepared to assist your special project with our drone systems and remote sensors. Contact us today to discuss your specific project requirements.

ur team is dedicated to helping you better understand the environmental impacts of doing business. We pride ourselves in leveraging our extensive knowledge base and experience in the field, we can customize our services to fit your project's scope, budget, and timeline. With us, you can trust that your environmental data collection and visualization needs will be addressed accurately, comprehensively and efficiently.

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Río Celeste Waterfall, Costa Rica
Tenorio Volcano National Park

This video was submitted to the University of South Florida, Patel College of Global Sustainability as a final exam project proposal for the course on the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The study abroad project proposal was created to facilitate the advancement of the UN SDG #7 to ensure affordable and reliable renewable energy for all, and SDG #13 combating and mitigating against the negative compounding consequences of climate changes. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals represent the collective 2030 agenda, and our shared objective on a global scale. The Río Celeste Waterfall inside the Tenorio Volcano National Park in Costa Rica is a wonderful example of natural based solutions and climate change awareness.

2023 Litli-Hrútur Eruption, Iceland
Fagradalsfjall Volcanic Region

When the 2023  Litli-Hrútur eruption started in the Fagradalsfjall volcanic area in southwest Iceland; Atmospheric Analytical Services LLC was there to complement survey efforts dedicated to monitoring the volcanic region as people began to visit the eruption site . We worked with a team of local professionals and four groups of international researchers from various universities. Our contribution of measuring inhalable particulate matter PM 2.5 and mapping the air quality around the public congregation areas was used for public safety and hazard mitigation during the eruption period. Our systems were also used to measure the volcanic trace gases in the gas plume.



SBDC - USF Connect

3802 Spectrum Blvd., Suite 201

Tampa, Florida 33612


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